Hoot’s Market is the UCNJ campus food pantry. Currently registered UCNJ students have access to the Hoot’s Market as a completely free resource for groceries and personal hygiene products. When visiting the pantry for the first time, students are asked to complete a one-time registration form. Students are also provided with a free reusable bag to bring back for subsequent visits. Hoot’s Market aspires to alleviate the barriers associated with food insecurity to support student success at UCNJ and to ensure that no one goes hungry because of a lack of access to food.
Hoot’s Market Locations:
-Cranford, MacDonald Hall, Suite A113
-Elizabeth, Kellogg Building, Suite 111
-Plainfield, Logos Building, LG010
Volunteer Opportunities
If you are interested in assisting Hoot’s Market email socialworkservices@022aode.com
Need help finding Community Food Pantries, try these tools:
- Visit NJ Food Bank Search tool: http://cfbnj.org/findfood/
- Text “FIND FOOD” to 908.224.7776
Amazon Wishlist